Arwen Fee Schedule (Beta) 

Effective April 12, 2019

Set below are the fees, transaction costs and rebates that apply when using our product:

  • Escrow Fees

  • Trading Fees

  • Mining Fee Reserve/Rebate (MFR)

What are the fees?

Escrow Fee

Escrow fees are charged when a user requests KuCoin to establish an escrow for the coin in which the user would like to purchase. An escrow fee of 1 basis point (0.01%) is assessed per day or 1/24th of 1 basis point per hour for the length of time the escrow is open. If an escrow is closed prior to expiration, a rebate is paid to the user based on the number of hours remaining (remaining hours * 1/24 * 0.01%).

What are the rebates?

Mining Fee Reserve/Rebate (MFR)

The MFR represents the estimated mining fees associated with closing both the user and exchange escrows on each of the coins’ native blockchains. Arwen requires users to fund an MFR to establish escrows. Arwen calculates the MFR by estimating the native blockchain’s mining fee then adds a reserve buffer in case of an unanticipated mining fee surge. In the event a user elects to close an escrow prior to the scheduled expiration time, Arwen pays a rebate based on the difference between the MFR and the actual mining fee. 

What is the length of time for an escrow?

Escrow Length

Users can set the expiration of an escrow based on their particular trading needs. For example, Alice would like to trade LTC for BTC for two days. Alice can simply request KuCoin to open a BTC escrow on her behalf for 48 hours once she establishes her user escrow for LTC. Once Alice has finished her trades, she can close out the escrows and receive a rebate for closing her escrow prior to expiration plus any unused mining fees (see MFR). 

Schedule of Fees

Escrow Limits


Escrow Fee (per day)

BTC: 0.0021 ($8) < x < 0.015 ($115)*

Estimated BTC mining fee


LTC: 0.07 ($1.5) < x < 0.5 LTC ($56)*

Estimated LTC mining fee


BCH: 0.035 ($1.28) < x < 0.25 ($64)*

Estimated BCH mining fee


*Note:  USD values are notional and for comparative purposes only

Trading Limits

The following table includes the minimum and maximum trade sizes for a user trading within established Arwen escrows:


MIN Trade

MAX Trade








